Fan Technology Guide

With the "Fan Technology Guide" written by our development engineers, punker offers a digital reference work to assist in the aerodynamic and aeroacoustic design and optimization of ventilation systems and plants. In addition to the basics of aerodynamics and acoustics, the various types of radial fan impellers and their aerodynamic properties are presented and criteria for fan impeller selection are outlined. The topic of energy efficiency in the context of the EU's Ecodesign Directive (ErP) and the Fan Energy Index (FEI) for energy regulations and standards in the USA are addressed in detail.

1. General Information
2. Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics
3. Basics of Fan Technology
4. Fan Selection
5. Test Benches
6. Catalog Data Recording at punker
7. Basics of Acoustics
9. FEI - Fan Energy Index
10. Motor Technology
11. EVIA - European Ventilation Industry Association
12. Functional Safety
13. ATEX - Atmosphères Explosives
14. Smoke and Heat Exhaust Ventilation - SHEV
15. Bibliography